Butterflies Being Smart, Sassy and Strong at the top of Snowdon…
For World Cancer Day Adelle Martin Founder of The Menopause Resilience Club of Kent tells her story and how it aligns with supporting The Friends of the Wisdom Hospice...
How three Kent beautiful butterflies called Kelly, Sue and Helen have inspired my journey to help me keep women in their business through challenging times whilst raising valuable funds for the Wisdom Hospice.
Sadly, I have lost three amazing friends due to breast cancer during the past four years that triggered me to walk away from my city career and set up my own business. There is very little help for business women going through menopause and I realised there was even less support when business women are trying to manage a cancer diagnosis and treatment plan.
Did you know that 32% of women leave their business or career as the impact of menopause becomes too much to deal with alongside everything else, they have to juggle. The figure is much higher when business women are trying to deal with chronic illnesses like cancer that can also trigger menopause symptoms compounding the impact.
The Menopause Resilience Club and The Hospice
This is why I created The Menopause Resilience Club ™, an Award winning Community to help business women build a strong body to manage their menopause and a professional network to help them build a strong business too. Our Club is heading into its third year, and we are helping business women around the globe be Smart, Sassy & Stronger through their hormonal changes.
As a Club we have chosen the hospice as one of our charity partners as it is very close to my heart and Our Club members. As a group we have been impacted by someone close who has had to use the Wisdom Hospice services and we know first-hand how valuable their work is. Some of Our Club members based in Kent are part of the Women in Business Network and we spend the first Wednesday evening of each month networking and building our businesses in the Wisdom Hospice Business Centre too.
Adelle at the January Event
The next stage for the Club and our partnership with the Wisdom Hospice is to host in person events here in Kent to help women manage their hormonal changes and raise money for the hospice. So, The Menopause Resilience Club ™ Kent Live was created and we held our first event on Saturday 21st January. We raised £165 and helped over 20 women with menopause information having lots of fun. We are doing it all again on 15th April and we are hoping to have press coverage their too.
The Challenge
I am renowned for offering “development opportunities” to the business women I coach which normally means pushing them out of their comfort zones and surprisingly they say yes (well eventually)! So, in light of our most recent loss, our close friend and Club Group Leader Helen, I suggested we climb Mount Snowdon. The last conversation I had with Helen she knew we were going to climb it and she made me promise that we would do it as a group. Helen wanted us to be Smart, Sassy and Stronger at the top of Snowdon - so the “development opportunity” was offered and guess what, they said yes - we have a team climbing Snowdon on Saturday 24th June with our fundraising going to the hospice.
Group Leaders
In The Room
So, in the next edition I will update you on how we are progressing with training as we get ready to be Smart, Sassy and Stronger at the top of Snowdon.
Founder of The Menopause Resilience Club ™
Coaching Business Women to Build a Strong Body to manage their Menopause
Helen just one of our inspirational ladies