£30,000 donation: A Son’s recognition of a Mum’s work
The Friends of the Wisdom Hospice have received a surprise and much-needed donation of £30,000 from Lloyd’s, as part of the Lloyd’s charitable response to COVID-19. Thanks to the nomination of local Lloyd’s employee Conner Keane. Conner works at the Lloyd’s office in Chatham Maritime.
Lloyd’s staff from across the world nominated a wide range of charities, close to their hearts. As part of their strategy to support organisations and their beneficiaries recover from the impact of COVID-19 and “build back better”.
A spokesperson for Lloyd’s said “We received a huge number of nominations and donations totalling £3million are going to support charities nominated by our colleagues across the globe."
Conner chose to nominate The Friends of the Wisdom Hospice, as he has been a supporter of the Medway charity since he was at school. But, more importantly, his mum has been a nurse at the Wisdom Hospice for 12 years.
Conner said “As well as Mum being a Clinical Sister at the Hospice, she is also a big advocate for charities. She has been the main driving force. Inspiring me to try to put the Friends of the Wisdom Hospice forward as a charity whenever possible. Dating back to 2012 where I submitted an application for the Friends of the Wisdom Hospice to become one of the four ‘House Charities’ that my secondary school, The Thomas Aveling School, would raise money for annually”.
"I am truly honoured to be able to partake in this opportunity to thank The Friends for all their hard work, support and dedication they do every year."
"Thank you are two very small words but, for me, mean so much"
Friends CEO Martyn Reeves said “I had to read Conner’s email a few times before the details really sank in. The news of this donation came completely out of the blue. I have been with The Friends for nine years. Leanne has been a constant support to me and our charity throughout my time here.
2020 has certainly been a year like no other. Earlier in the year, I had many sleepless nights. As I considered how we would maintain our charitable income as I watched our fundraising income all but dry up. We have a fundraising target of £17,500 per week.
However, it is thanks to our wonderful community and people like Conner. Who have rallied and supported us throughout this challenging period. We are far from being out of these COVID woods yet. However, with the support of people like Conner, everyone at The Friends are motivated to maintain our support of the hospice we all love.
Thank you are two very small words but, for me, mean so much. I am so thankful to Conner for thinking of and supporting The Wisdom Hospice in our hour of need. Thank you, Conner,”