Volunteers Week

From the 1st - 7th June is National Volunteers’ Week – an annual celebration of everything fantastic about being you, a volunteer.

Here at The Friends of the Wisdom Hospice, we recognise the value of all The Hospice volunteers. Without you, The Hospice would be a very different place.

From driving patients to and from The Wellbeing Centre to providing admin and clerical skills. From gardening, flower arranging, making tea and manning the hospice reception desks. All the volunteers give their skills and energy to benefit The Hospice patients.

Volunteers play a huge part out in the community too. Representing The Hospice across Medway and Swale, marshalling at big fundraising events and keeping our chain of shops open for business. (in normal circumstances)

You certainly don’t have to volunteer actually in The Hospice to help The Hospice.

Being a volunteer can be very rewarding. A chance to share skills, meet new people and to really make a difference to the lives of the people The Hospice cares for.  It can be a real win-win. Volunteering can also help to get back into paid employment and can be really useful for teens who want new skills to add to their CVs.     

When lockdown comes to an end and our 'new normal' begins. If you know anyone who would like to volunteer with The Friends?

Please do share this post with them so they can see the volunteering opportunities available.

Sign up to be a Volunteer

Get Involved

Origami paper butterfly for Volunteers Week on stop of yellow, orange and purple flowers. It has The Wisdom Hospice Logo and says Thank You Volunteers! #MedwayHeroes #TeamWisdom

Don't forget to share you butterfly's with us!

We are also encouraging all volunteers across the county to join in with creating an origami piece that marks Volunteers Week. It can be hung in your window alongside the rainbows to support our key workers.  

Below are links to the butterfly origami template. but you can use just a plain piece of paper if you prefer and a YouTube tutorial video.

Origami Template

Origami YouTube Tutorial

Make sure you share a picture of your finished butterfly's with us!


How to ZOOM!


Creative Ways of Fundraising!