Wisdom Hospice reopens following refurb

These improvements were essential to maintain the clinical quality of the environment but also included suggestions from patients and their families.

The works have been completed in only one month, and will allow Medway Community Healthcare (MCH) (who manage the Hospice) to continue to provide a high quality of care, in a more dignified and peaceful environment.

His Worshipful the Mayor of Medway, Councillor Barry Kemp and his wife, Joyce Kemp attended on Tuesday to officially open the new-look ward. Councillor Kemp, said: "I’m proud that the Friends of the Wisdom Hospice are one of my selected charities this year, and I was therefore honoured to be asked to officially reopen the inpatient ward at the hospice following refurbishment. It was a humbling experience observing the amount of work completed in only a month. I’d like to congratulate everyone who helped make sure this vital service could reopen on schedule to welcome patients in need of their specialist care. Well done to all involved.”

The floors have been re-laid and shower rooms refurbished, and the ward has been redecorated throughout. Other, more minor improvements were also made to the environment, making it more comfortable and appropriate to meet the needs of patients and carers. The non-slip floor and new wall surfaces will be easier to clean, providing a safer environment and colours have been chosen to reflect the environment, creating a sense of flow and continuity throughout the Hospice.

Stephanie Griffiths, Head of Palliative Care at MCH said: "I’m really proud of the team who’ve continued to deliver palliative care from St Bart’s and via our community teams throughout these works. We’re all looking forward to returning to our new-look ward which will support us to continue to deliver compassionate, intuitive care to our patients in the right environment.”


Christmas Fayre 2015


Goodyer House Legacy