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Lights for Love 2024 Sittingbourne

Dedicate a Light to someone special this Christmas

We are really pleased to be able to invite and welcome you to join us at our service at Highsted Grammar School.

We are so glad to be able to return to a similar format to previous years. The service always allows the chance to celebrate and remember memories of loved ones that we have lost as we give thanks for their place in our lives. We also join together to give thanks to the care and support provided by the staff at The Wisdom Hospice.

Every dedication we receive will be included in our Virtual Book of Remembrance, which can be viewed from the 25th November on our Lights for Love 2024 page at any time. A special card will be sent to you for you to keep, along with a hospice star for you to bring to a service or hang on your tree at home.

Your donation will help us to continue to care for future patients and their families throughout the year, not just at Christmas.

Make your Dedication

Click the button below and fill in the form to make your dedication online.

Dedications made after the 17th of November will still be included in the Dedication book, they will be added to the Late Entries section to the back of the book in the new year. You will still receive your Lights for Love card in January.

Every dedication, of whatever size, is very gratefully received and we thank you wholeheartedly.

  • Send your dedication by post to:

    Lights For Love,

    Wisdom Hospice Charity,

    FREEPOST SEA 14003,



    Along with your donation don't forget to include your dedication message. You will have space for 125 characters, including spaces

We always enjoy and find the service so moving. It is the start to our Christmas!
As always a wonderful remembrance service.
29 November

Lights for Love 2024 Rochester

5 December

Lights for Love 2024 Sheppey