Family and Carers Support Team
Living and coping with a terminal illness can affect people in different ways. Apart from physical symptoms, patients may also have emotional needs and assistance with social situations that arise What the Family and Carers Support Team do is provide help and guidance through these times. The team is made up of specialist palliative social workers, our specialist counsellor, Caroline, our Welfare & Benefits advisor, Balbir and it is all administered by Marion.
We are able to provide patients with psychological and emotional support during these uncertain times. We aim to give back control, help build reliance and develop coping strategies with our patients allowing them to feel more in charge of how they want the end of their life to be. We also work with the relatives and friends of patients, to help them process and come to terms with the loss or the thought of losing their loved one.
We see patients on their own or with carers, family or friends. It can be helpful to talk about your feelings and concerns with someone who isn’t emotionally or personally close to you. It can be just listening support, helping you say what you want to say to a loved one, or it could be working together and helping with memory boxes, writing letters to loved ones, or more formal arrangements such as housing, funeral and financial planning, as well as organising weddings. Sessions can be arranged at home, the ward, The Wellness and Therapy centre or another location that is suitable for you.
The best way to access our services is through any member of the palliative care team, who can then refer you to us. We work closely with other palliative care professionals to ensure that you and your family receive the support needed, during illness and after.
Family and Carers Support Team. By Viv Garvin