Lights for Love... Jeanette's Story

Jeanette's Story…

Jeanette Drayton

17 years, that’s how long Jeanette has been supporting our Lights for Love appeal and is one of our longest Lights for Love supporters. 

Jeanette gave her first donation back in 2006 as a way of saying thank you for the support she was getting regarding her own cancer journey.

Each year Jeanette continued to donate in gratitude for her survival and also to remember two dear friends she lost to cancer in the hospice, in 2010 and 2011.  

Jeanette not only writes tributes in memory of friends and family but also makes dedications in honour of some friends and family. Jeanette rightly points out “The service is about remembering our loved ones not just those who are no longer physically with us but those we can’t be with because perhaps they live too far away but that doesn’t stop us caring and thinking of them.

I get great comfort in listing the names of those I wish to remember, and I still have every single dedication card. I feel so lucky to still be here 17 years on from my cancer journey. I have so much gratitude for what the hospice does and it’s important to me to support a local charity that possibly so many of us may need in the future.”

Jeanette Drayton

Lordswood, Kent

Written in memory of friends and family

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Words of Wisdom Newsletter - Issue 39


Words of Wisdom Newsletter - Issue 38