Words of Wisdom Newsletter - Issue 38

Welcome to our Newsletter!

Read our latest newsletter here.

See how our corporate colleagues have been supporting us, there's also been a few staff changes in The Friends office and of course see what Christmas events are coming up!

This is the last newsletter for 2023 there's lots of dates to keep you busy over Christmas. We hope as always you, our community, will work with us to keep our local hospice going for our future community. There are so many small ways you can help us, trust us those pennies can add up very quickly in our loose change boxes! So, if you want to find out more about helping the hospice please read on...

Don't forget to visit our website to keep up-to-date with everything that is going on.

Head over now to have a read of this newsletter. 

Read Me

If you enjoyed reading our Newsletter, could you support us with a donation?

Make a Donation

The Friends Team have a daily fundraising target of £2,500 a day so we can help support The Wisdom Hospice with their care of over 400 people in their own homes, the acute trust and within our 15-bed ward at The Wisdom Hospice.

The Front Cover of Issue 38

Let us know what you think of our Newsletter in the comments below!


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