Margaret's Legacy
Margaret's Legacy
Margaret Barker is a long standing trustee of The Friends and has supported the Hospice from it's very beginnings in the early eighties. Her reputation as a fundraiser for the Hospice cause got her involved with The Wisdom when she moved to the area with her husband. Our very first treasurer, Michael Strickland, garnered her support and we have been
grateful for it ever since. We asked Margaret about her legacy and what it means to her to support the Hospice in her Will.
"I don't think of myself a prolific fundraiser, really I have only been holding my coffee mornings or volunteering with The Friends in the office or at their events. I don't even think I have been a particularly good donator. I buy Christmas cards and raffle tickets and give in small sums as an when I can. But not knowing what could be around the corner, I am careful to support within my means.
Even with my small knowledge on the subject, I know that gifting in your Will has benefits when it comes to inheritance tax; which can be a good motivation to consider charities when making a Will.
But for me, leaving a gift in my Will meant that I am able to donate what I can when I don't have need of it any more. When my husband died, I had to take care of my own finances. I have ensured that I can support my own future and afterwards, that of my family. But when those considerations are
finished, I have chosen to support The Friends and those charities that I feel I have benefited from in my hour of need or that support and care for people in my community.
For me, it's a thank you. I want to give back and I have planned to do so. As a trustee I felt like it was the right thing to do, but I also know the substantial and vital impact of the Hospices service's. The difference that their level of care and compassion makes; providing dignity in dying. It's something I want to ensure is continued long after I am gone.
Remembering The Friends in my Will was no great hardship. I am no great fundraiser, but I have enough common sense and an honest approach on the subject and I have stayed true to what I feel I should do."