Missing our coffee mornings?

Are you missing our coffee mornings as much as we are?

We miss the hustle and bustle of everyone coming in, catching up with old friends, and of course, you have guessed it, most importantly we miss the cake! 

Until we can get together again, we will have to make do with Zoom calls, and baking or buying our own cakes to eat.

Clare, one of our community fundraisers, has kindly taken a moment out of her day to share the recipe for her delicious brownies. So, if you’re missing some chocolate in your day or you just fancy a sweet treat, have a go at making these, and let us know how you get on 😊


  1. 200ml of vegetable oil

  2. 150g of golden granulated sugar

  3. 100g of dark brown soft sugar

  4. 2tsp of vanilla extract (also works wonderfully with orange extract)

  5. 3 medium-size eggs

  6. 60g of cocoa powder

  7. 100g of self-raising flour

  8. ¼ tsp of salt and bicarbonate of soda

  9. 100g of dark or milk chocolate chips


  1. Heat the oven to 165 degrees C

  2. Grease and line the tray with baking parchment

  3. Mix all the dry ingredients together

  4. Make a well in the middle and add the wet ingredients in

  5. Mix everything together, add the chocolate chips and mix again

  6. Pour the mixture into the prepared baking tray

  7. Cook for 25 to 30 minutes – depending on how gooey you like your brownies, less cooking, the gooier they will be

  8. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes and then finish cooling on racks

  9. Sprinkle with icing sugar and enjoy!

What can I do to help?

If you like the brownie recipe, make a donation

Make a Donation

Please, if you can support us with a donation at this time we would gratefully appreciate your support. We would encourage any donations to be made online. You can make one-off donations, donations in memory, pay in fundraising and sponsorship all on our website.

If you can, please support us, your donation could help us fund;

£10.00 - Could help fund a book and craft activity to use during a child’s listening support session who has a parent under Hospice Care

£25.00 - Could help fund an hour of care delivered by one of the hospice specialist palliative care nurses

£50.00 - Could help fund a counselling session for a patient or their loved one supporting them through a challenging time

£75.00 - Could help fund a home visit with a specialist nurse, physiotherapist or paramedic

£100.00 - Could help fund a lockbox to keep a syringe driver safe and secure when it is being used by a patient


Margaret's Legacy


Rochester Riverside Community Board Grant