The Wisdom Wellbeing and Therapy Centre
This year some changes have been made to the services formerly known as the Day Hospice. The name has changed so that we are now called The Wisdom Wellbeing and Therapy Centre and a new programme has been developed. This programme will expand the interventions our patients receive and will focus on providing them with the knowledge and confidence to be able to manage the symptoms they may encounter with their diagnosis.
The core programme is on an eight-week rolling basis. Each day is split into different sessions that focus on a particular benefit, such as Creative Expression, Breathlessness Management, Wellbeing, Fitness and Reminiscence & Relaxation. Patients don’t need to attend for whole days, maybe just a morning or afternoon, whatever will provide the greatest benefit to them individually. Each day is different, covering different activities and therapies, centring around living with a terminal illness and strategies to help stay as well as possible, for as long as possible.
In order for our services to be available to you, you need to have a palliative diagnosis. Then you need to speak to one of your health care professionals, either your GP or another member of your palliative care team. There are a lot of benefits to being referred to us and if you unsure of anything, you can always give the team a call and speak to us about the possibility of referral as well as arrange to have a look around our facilities and meet the team in person.
The aim of this group is to improve or maintain your movement and function, by creating enjoyable exercise sessions which will incorporate various activities to keep you moving for as long as you are able.
Held within our Therapy Gym. The circuit group uses full body exercises and gentle circuit training. We endeavour to improve your stamina and fitness levels, to improve your quality of life and remain
independent for as long as possible. BREATHLESSNESS MANAGEMENT
This group focuses upon medication free strategies to manage symptoms of breathlessness. Practical advice and techniques can be applied during your daily routine to minimise your symptoms and maximise your wellbeing.
varied programme including arts, crafts and creative activities. These sessions facilitate self-expression, acknowledged as a powerful intervention to improve upon quality of life and self-esteem for people with a serious illness.
This is a great opportunity to relax and spend time meeting others. NO ARTISTIC TALENT REQUIRED! For the budding artists, please enquire about our Art group sessions on Thursdays.
Worry and anxiety are known to affect your quality of life and ability to cope when living with a life limiting condition. Mindfulness meditation, relaxation exercises and reminiscence provide you with strategies to manage any anxiety you may experience.
Our information sessions have been devised to provide you with practical knowledge and advice, when living with a serious illness.
This session aims to encourage mental stimulation with the use of various mind puzzles and games.
We also offer a range of other interventions to help improve your wellbeing, including:
Chapel Service (weekly on Tuesday)
Complementary Therapies
1:1 Memory Work
Nurse led Clinic
Patient & Carer Group / Carer Group
Get Pampered (limited availability)
To find out more about our services and what is on offer, please call and speak to us. You can reach the Wellbeing & Therapy Centre by calling 01634 83456 and asking for the team.