Wheels for Wisdom 2016 - A fantastic day of fundraising

So Wheels for Wisdom has been and gone for yet another year! 

The Friends had such an enjoyable day and luckily, we were blessed with absolutely fantastic weather. 

A huge thank you to all our amazing cyclists who came out and helped to make the day so memorable.

Also we would like to thank MidKent College, ASDA Chatham, MK Cycling, The Maypole, Sharsted Sports Club & Moor Organics Ltd & The Sitebox.com for all there fantastic support. We could not have run this event successfully without your support. 

We had over 100 riders and early indications show that we have raised nearly £4,000 for the vital care provided by the Wisdom Hospice. 

The Friends are already looking forward to next year's event where we hope we can have even more supporters taking part. 

Interested in fundraising for the Wisdom Hospice Charity? Find out all the ways you can support us by clicking the button below.


Marks & Spencer - Supporting The Friends


Colour Me Purple 2016 - Even bigger, even brighter!